Chronic UTI’s

I do know the Micro Cal Plus helped my knee and joints

He shows no sign of having hip dysplasia anymore. I have had him on the Micro Cal Plus for a little over a year.

Toni Kolar

 “I found about Daniel Chapter One a little over a year ago through a lady who is a mutual friend of mine and Ms. Linda from the Poppy Seed. I had mentioned some stuff about myself to my friend and she recommended that I go visit the Poppy Seed because they carry a line of products from Daniel Chapter One. I had gotten into in an in-depth conversation with my friend who was treating her husband for cancer with the Daniel Chapter One products. So, I decided to visit the Poppy Seed and try some of the Daniel Chapter One products myself. I bought the A & B Biotropins, IG Factors, and Genesis Oil as my initial purchase. I purchased these products to help stabilize my immune system because during the year of 2007, I seemed to get what the doctor would call Chronic UTI’s. I was prescribed some antibiotics but they would never last longer than a certain period of time. Taking the Daniel Chapter One products did help me go for longer intervals without having a UTI. I don’t know for sure that I am cured of those because I’ve recently been going to another to doctor to see more aggressively what was going on. My doctor never did do a urine culture but once and with that they just found Ecoli bacteria. He never let me know, I finally had to go over to the office and get the results of that test. Unfortunately, I can’t say that I am healed entirely. I am now going to several specialists now just to rule out cancer since I still have abdominal pain and cramping. I know that the Daniel Chapter One products did help me. I do know the Micro Cal Plus helped my knee and joints. I work standing up on concrete all day. I also fell in my daughter’s bathtub one day and twisted my right knee because I did not know they used a water softener. At first, I just wrapped an Ace bandage around it and try to stay off of it as much as I could. Then, when I found about the Daniel Chapter One products, I started taking the Micro Cal Plus. I would mix a 1 tsp. with the Endo 24 along with some water or juice. I had gotten the Endo 24 to help build up my nutrition level.

  My most beneficial testimony to Daniel Chapter One would be my testimony about my dog Rusty. In October of 2006, who had a fairly recent diagnosis of hip dysplasia from the local veterinarian with the recommendation of an operation. I decided rather than just agreeing to that, I decided I wanted a second evaluation so I took him to Kansas State University Veterinarian School. I took the x-rays that I had from the veterinarian and they agreed with his diagnosis of hip dysplasia and they felt an operation was in order too. I had misgivings about that due to the cost and the fact that it would be an evasive procedure and he would have to be looked after. The only alternative that they gave me was that if I could find a pool somewhere and let him swim about 15 minutes a day it would build up his hip bone and surrounding tissue muscle. They also recommended taking him for a walk about 15 minutes a day.  I told them that I would let them know. Then, I remembered what the Micro Cal Plus was designed to do so I put him on that. He’s like a puppy now and he’s somewhere between 10 and 11 years old now. He wasn’t supposed to jump around nor did he feel like doing it. Now he springs of the couch, jumps up into the car with me when I go to the park, jumps on and off my bed. It’s just as though he never displayed any symptoms of hip dysplasia. At first, I would put 2 or 3 capsules in his dog food everyday. Now, I use the powder and give him about a teaspoon in his food once a day and he’s not taking anything else specific to any kind of joint problems just the Micro Cal Plus. I give it to him just to make sure he says healthy because he is getting older everyday. He shows no sign of having hip dysplasia anymore. I have had him on the Micro Cal Plus for a little over a year.

  Animals suffer just as humans do with their ailments and that is another reason I like Daniel Chapter One and like to listen to Daniel Chapter One most days when I am home from work. I make a point to listen to the program and here what other people from all over the country call in and have to say.

  I am interested in doing everything I can to help keep Daniel Chapter One going. I tell everybody I see if they talk to about any little thing they’ve got about Daniel Chapter One products and I give them the number to the Order Center to call and get a Bio-Guide. I tell them about the radio station if they are in the broadcasting area. I tell so many people about Daniel Chapter One. I have even gotten Bio-Guides and taken them to people. I know of at least three people who have gotten some things from Daniel Chapter One and who believe the products have helped.”