Within a month or two, it was all back to normal pretty much.
“It started about 2005. I went in and was having chest pains, so they said the only way they could check it out was to do the test on me where they run the dye through you. They put one of those medicated stints in and I died right there for about 8 seconds. But anyway, I came out of that and I got out of the hospital and they said I was going to have to be on Plavix® and Crestor® and all kinds of stuff like that. I did that for 2 or 3 months and in the meantime I was listening to this radio station down here (KCXL) and I got to listening to Jim & Trish on their vitamins and they said that GDU™ Caps and 7 Herb™ Formula was good to get. They were talking about somebody that had a heart stint. I knew Plavix® had negative side effects and that Crestor® is bad for you so I wanted to get off of them. I got the 7 Herb™ Formula and GDU™ Formula and it went from there. I’ve been off of it, that Plavix® and Crestor®. I was only on it for 3 months after they put that heart stint in me. Of course I’ve taken all the other products that I’ve heard for different things. I mainly use the Cardiac Pack. I use (1 pill a day of CoQ10, Hawthorne Plus C, and CoQ10), GDU™ Caps (3 caps, once or twice a day), 7 Herb™ Formula (1 oz. every morning), Vitamin C and E (1 pill a day). I haven’t had any problems. I started on the products 3 months after having the heart stint in April of 2005. Within a month or two, it was all back to normal pretty much.
They put one of those medicated stints in and I died right there for about 8 seconds.
I also had a lot of pain in my back since about 1978 and the GDU™ Caps has just about eliminated all of that. I injured my back from rolling a 500 pound section board. I take the GS1500™ (1 or 2 a day) and the MicroCal® Plus (1 or 2 a day). Right now I’m taking the 1st Kings about once every 3 days. These products are really amazing for getting off of these prescription medications. They wanted $500.00 for the Crestor®. I did take the blood thinner, Plavix®, for about 3 months, but I began to use the GDU™ Caps as a blood thinner and I haven’t had any problems. If you know the products work, you can put up with the little bit of discomfort in taste. You don’t mind the discomfort for something you know is going to work and you know is not going to affect you in several other ways. But I wanted to let you guys know that GDU™ Caps and 7 Herb™ Formula and others have replaced this Plavix® completely. I’m using some of the Superior Herbal Fat Burners™ for my cholesterol. I’m also using the Vascular Cleanse and we’ll see how that is in about 3 months.”
-Dale Lowery from Kansas City, KS