
I started taking the medication the doctor had given me and after about two or three days I thought it was going to kill me.  It just was not doing me any good at all. 


Daniel Chapter One Testimony from Bob Viveiros

I lived in Delta, Utah and I heard about Daniel Chapter One over the radio and as I feed my heifers I listen to the 540 AM station.  About two or three months after starting to listen to Jim and Tricia I ran into a problem and ended up in the hospital with an arrhythmia in my heart.  The doctors kept me in there for three days and things did not look real good.  The doctors here sent me up north to Provo to see some doctors there and they sent me home with a lot of medication.  My cholesterol was a little high and this, that and another thing my Triglycerides and that.

Although, the doctor did not agree with the natural way, he told me whatever I was doing to continue to do the same thing and he would see me in six months and I have never been back! 

I started taking the medication the doctor had given me and after about two or three days I thought it was going to kill me.  It just was not doing me any good at all.  I was lethargic and not feeling good so I stopped taking it.  My wife did not find out until three days later and she wanted to have my head.  That’s when I went down to the local Daniel Chapter One store and asked about the products.  Robyn hooked me up with the Cardiac Pack so I started taking that and I noticed after about a week that I was feeling way better.  I had an appointment scheduled to go see the doctor up in Provo again and I let him know what the medication he gave me was doing to me and that I wanted to try natural stuff for awhile and he was not receptive to that.  I told him to give me three months to just exercise and take natural products and he agreed.  I went back to the doctor in three months; they checked my vitals and put me in a room to wait to see the doctor.  The doctor came in and wanted to check my vitals again because something is just not jiving here.  So, I went back with him and I already had a smile on my face because I knew that I was feeling so much better and I told my wife, “you watch the second set of vitals is going to be just as good as the first set.”  Although, the doctor did not agree with the natural way, he told me whatever I was doing to continue to do the same thing and he would see me in six months and I have never been back!  That was just taking the Cardiac Pack.

I have always had some stomach problems and I take the A&B Biotropins and IgFactors once a day.  I mix them with the IgFactors every morning for breakfast just for maintenance.  I have noticed that I have fewer problems with my stomach.  I no longer take the Cardiac Pack but I do use the Vascular Cleanse.  I do not take the Cardiac Pack because I check my blood pressure periodically and it runs 117/77 and I am a 300-pound man.  I have my Triglycerides checked once a year, and they last time they were checked everything was perfect.  My total cholesterol was right at 200.  For a guy my size that’s really good.  That was not my high or low level that was my total level.  That being said, I am not on the Cardiac Pack, but I know it’s there if I need it.

I no longer take the Cardiac Pack but I do use the Vascular Cleanse.

If I ever develop any kind of cancer I already know the drill.  I will take the GDU, the BioShark, and the 7 Herb Formula!  We can’t be relieved of our liberties of what we want to do for ourselves and be dependent on the drug companies.  I listen to Jim and Tricia on the radio and I know they have good products because I know what it did for me.  I believe in what they are doing and their products work!

Bob Viveiros