Barretts Esophagus

I feel fine and can’t wait for my next check-up!!

May 24, 2008

Dear Jim and Trish,

I want to support your efforts against the tyrannical FDA.  I had been on Nexium 40 for years which caused Barretts Esophagus (for which they prescribe NEX 40!!)  I had chest pains with indigestion.  Then last August, I had chest pains really bad.  I was admitted to the emergency room, and they put a stint in my left main artery.   They put me on Lipitor, Plavix, Aleve and aspirin.  I started getting severe leg cramps at night.  My six month check-up was fine, but I stopped taking the medications the next day.  I take GDU, Superior Herbal Fat Burners, Vascular Cleanse, Alimentz, CoQ10, Beta Carotene, Fish Oil, and a multi-vitamin.  I feel fine and can’t wait for my next check-up!!


John McCulloch

Leesburg, FL