Blood Pressure and Blocked Arteries
Ted Labok
“I started about three years ago listening to Daniel Chapter One Healthwatch at work on WLBE in Leesburg. I don’t like to take prescription drugs, so I thought I would give Daniel Chapter One products a try and it’s worked out very, very well for me. I started out on the Cardiac Pack for my blood pressure. Over the years I have taken the GDU, 7 Herb Formula, and Vascular Cleanse. My wife and I both take the CoQ10.
My testimony that I wanted to call about, because I know Jim and Tricia are in trouble and they are working hard to do what they are doing and I appreciate that. I go for a physical twice a year and about a year ago my doctor was listening to my carotid arteries and he says I think you have a blockage there. He wanted me to go down to some specialist and get a Doppler done on my leg and I didn’t want to do that. On my next physical the doctor said the same thing I think you still have a problem there. I ignored him. I didn’t want a stent put in or anything like that. Finally they wanted me to go the VA Hospital to have a sonogram done. Prior to going to get the sonogram done for about two and a half weeks I took Vascular Cleanse every night. And I want to tell you when I had the sonogram done you could see it on the screen and he shoed it to me, my arteries in my neck were clean as a whistle and that impressed me. It also impressed the doctor…I’m 74 years old…and the technician who was doing the sonogram looked at me and asked me how old I was and I told him and he said take a look at this and they were just clean as a whistle. My last physical was just a couple of weeks ago and no problems. I do not have a personal doctor but I do go to the VA Hospital twice a year. They are very good to me. I listen to what they have to say and then I look at my guide from Daniel Chapter One and go up to Nature’s Pharmacy here in Altoona, Florida, we talk about it and then I take what’s necessary of the Daniel Chapter One products and it’s done nothing but help me.
The fact that I avoided having stents put into the arteries in my neck is a great thing for me!”