Nancy Cecil Chattanooga, TN “I’m not sure exactly when I started taking the products. I had had a problem with…
Michelle Thompson Kansas City “I had found about Daniel Chapter One through my husband. He has listened to Daniel…
For several months I had a lesion on my forearm the size of a pea For several months I had…
Tendonitis and Fibromyalgia October 27, 2008 Lee DeMitchell I was channel surfing on the radio when I heard your program.…
I happen to be an RN (my husband is a biologist) and knowing a bit about how these cases go,…
May 30, 2008 To Whom It May Concern: For almost 15 years, I have suffered from chronic neck pain. I…
Kathy Norton I was diagnosed with Graves disease a year and a half ago. I was so weak at the…
I changed over to the Alimentz because of the zero sided effects Johnny Powell “ I was listening to WYLS…
stage 4 cancer and given only 6 months to live Cancer – Joe Solomon Not Too Late! Joe’s dad was…
7 Herb Formula that saved my father’s life Cancer (Jan Jungles for Joe Jungles) “In January of this year, my…