Chest and Knee Pain

I still don’t have to take the aspirin

Bernie Rogel

  “I heard about Daniel Chapter One while listening to 620 A.M. I was starting to get a heavy chest build up when I was just doing light activity like taking a walk. I was using baby aspirin to help alleviate it. It helped me but, instead of taking one a day I went to two a day.

  Then I called Daniel Chapter One Healthwatch, Jim and Tricia recommended I take the Electro Carbs, Carniplex, and GDU for the pain in my knee joints and the heaviness in my chest. Instead of taking the aspirin, I was taking the Electro Carbs and within two days, I didn’t have to take the aspirin anymore. I still don’t have to take the aspirin. I am still taking the Electro Carbs which has helped me tremendously and I don’t have the heavy chest anymore. I was taking 1-2, 8oz glasses of the Electro Carbs a day whenever necessary. I would take the Carniplex, 2 capsules twice a day, ½ hour before meals and the same with the GDU. I increased the GDU to three capsules to see if it would be better and I noticed that my knee joints are a lot better than they were. I don’t have as much pain and I have more flexibility. I can walk better!

  I have used other products but, they didn’t act as fast as the Daniel Chapter One products do. So, I was happy that the Daniel Chapter One products gave me the relief that I needed. I’ve already ordered some more of the Electro Carbs and I have also ordered some of the Feijo- Homeopathic Flu Remedy. This year I’m going to refuse the flu shot and keep taking these other vitamins.”