Evil Government attempts to take DC1 right to share Health Information
Posted on March 25, 2011by dc1freedom
March 25, 2011
Daniel Chapter One wants to be there for YOU! Jim and Tricia cannot answer health questions personally like they used to, but if you are sick, call into the show anyway. God will honor your call anyway and someone who is not censored will get you some help.
Fred called in with information on treating someone for blood sugar issues. He also commented on the fact DC1 Censored is no longer a health show and the number of callers is much lower. Jim reminded us that the government has hired two people to listen to the show each day, make sure that Jim and Tricia do not answer health questions, count the number of times they give the phone numbers, and more. Tricia explained that no one knows what can or cannot be said. Jim said that all we can do now is try to keep communicating with the people because the government took the testimonies that DC1 had, but they want to keep sharing what God has shown them the best they can. There are websites where people can go now to get answers to health questions:
www healthfellowship.org and www.groups.yahoo.com and type in danielchapterone
The evil federal government is trying to enforce the order put on Daniel Chapter One. $1400 per day, per person that DC1 does not send out the letter; a letter that is not true and Jim and Tricia cannot sign due to conscience. So, the radio show is continuing for YOU the listener (and in this case reader) to talk about whatever is on YOUR hearts and YOUR minds until all of this is over, or Christ comes back for his brothers and sisters. Everyone should feel free to call in.
Jeremy called in and shared from Matt. 10:34 “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” Tricia found Luke 12:51-53 to along with it: “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather
division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two,
and two against three. . .” This was confirmed and discussed by the believers and Jeremy talked about his use of Calendula Ointment.
Allison called in about the question posed on the Facebook page about why people still use pharmaceutical drugs when we have God’s healing available to us. While Jim was ready to go play with her kids, it opened the door to serious discussions on eating meat and judging others because of what they eat or drink. Tricia once again reminded people to look up “pharmacopeia” in the dictionary and see that it is “having to do with black magic” and “witch craft”.
The second hour was exciting and full of faithful people. Jim talked about using pharmaceuticals being likened to denying God’s healing for us. God will deny us on judgement day if we deny him by bowing down to the doctors and using pharmaceuticals. Jim also said that if you have cancer, call in to the show!! Even if Jim and Tricia cannot answer, God will honor the call and provide an answer.
The evil of CT scans was exposed and the cancer-causing information was talked about. It was suggested that everyone check out www.healthfellowship.org. Also, the DC1 Specials were annouced.
Our dear friends Judy and Janet called in. Homeopathy was discussed. Tricia talked about Jim’s healing from MS and the role it played in the development of Tricia’s homeopathy skills as well as products for DC1. Jim, Tricia, and Janet also discussed all bodies, right down the cells and atoms, being energy. The modern church has frowned on energetic healing, calling it witchcraft, but we all know what the real witchcraft is: pharmacopeia.
So, we are wrapping up a great week for Daniel Chapter One Censored. Join us Monday from 12-2 PM eastern time to kick off another great week of Daniel Chapter One Censored! If you are looking for more information, check us out on your favorite social network site, like Facebook.