About two hours after taking the GDU™ Caps, I was amazed to realize that my pain was about 95% gone! Though I am a believer in Daniel Chapter One® products, I never expected such dramatic results.
To Trish and Jim:
Just wanted to let you know about my first experience using GDU™ Caps. I suffer from occasional hip pain (possibly arthritis?). When I have the pain, it is
excruciating and I cannot stand, walk or sit comfortably. I am a person with a high pain tolerance, but this would bring tears to my eyes. The only thing I had tried to ease the pain was over the counter medications such as aspirin and Motrin. They did nothing. I was also afraid to use them thinking if they eased the pain, they would just be masking it and whatever the problem was, it would just worsen . . .
My hip pain again flared up last Monday and I had a miserable day. Not until Tuesday morning did it occur to me to try some GDU™ Caps. I purchase GDU™ Caps and various Daniel Chapter One® products for my husband, but had never used any myself.
About two hours after taking the GDU™ Caps, I was amazed to realize that my pain was about 95% gone! Though I am a believer in Daniel Chapter One® products, I never expected such dramatic results. I was astounded!
I can also take GDU™ Caps with peace of mind knowing that it is not simply masking the pain, but reducing inflammation and aiding in the healing process.
GDU™ Caps is a miracle for me. I only wish I had known about it many years ago. It would have prevented weeks of needless suffering.”
DeAnn Sentell
Poplar Bluff, Missouri