When I added the Micro Cal Plus I was able to bring my blood pressure into the normal range. I stayed on that for maybe a couple more months. Now I don’t take anything and my blood pressure is fine.
Donna Chlystek 6/26/08
McKeesport, PA
“In 1980, I started taking medication for hypertension. I was on blood pressure medications for 20 years. I started into natural supplements and I probably heard them on the radio, WKHB. I wanted to get off of the medication.
I kept monitoring my blood pressure. I just know that it was high. I go about every 6 months for a checkup and I have my blood pressure taken about every 3 months. I had my blood pressure taken right before I started taking the products and every 3 months after that.
I used the Cardiac Pack (Carniplex, Hawthorne Plus, and CoQ10) for 3 months. I was still having a little trouble with my blood pressure. I called Jim and Trish again and they suggested that I add the Micro Cal Plus. When I added the Micro Cal Plus I was able to bring my blood pressure into the normal range. I stayed on that for maybe a couple more months. Now I don’t take anything and my blood pressure is fine. I was able to go off of everything. I don’t even have to take a maintenance dosage or anything. That did it for me. Last time I went for a doctor’s visit, my blood pressure was 140/80.
I also had a scan done and the medical doctor said I had 9 small gallbladder stones. I took high dosages of Micro Cal Plus (4 with each meal and 4 before bed) and GDU (3 between meals 3 times a day) for 5 or 6 months and then I went off of them. But I never really went back to see if they were gone. I just knew the symptoms were gone.
I highly believe in Daniel Chapter One products!”