It has been more than a year since her last irregular heartbeat episode. And the anxiety attacks have ceased as well.
Doris Brent McNamee
When you’re flying round trying to get ready for holiday guests and seemingly ‘get hit in a chest with a baseball bat’, you know there’s something wrong. When you’re the owner of a successful health food store who keeps up with the latest in alternative and traditional medicines, you’re pretty sure what it is.
Doris McNamee, owner of Nature’s Health in Shelbyville, TN., almost felt that December morning. “I felt like my heart had stopped,” she said. “My husband wanted to know what was wrong, and I told him I felt strange. After a few more episodes, I knew had to see a doctor.”
Doris’ physician diagnosed her with an irregular heartbeat. It skipped every fourth beat. She also was having severe anxiety attacks. Her cautious physician, a believer in alternative medicine, chose not to put her on traditional medications. “She was afraid they would kill me.” Doris confided. “She decided to closely monitor me.”
I kept listening to Jim and Trish on the radio and decided to do what they were telling others to. I told myself, ‘after all it certainly can’t hurt me.’ I began to two Hawthorn Berry three times daily with meals, 3 L-Carnitine daily and 150 mg. of CoQ10. After two months, I had no more problems and had much more energy as well.
Bob Bullard, himself a Nature’s Health customer and user of Daniel Chapter One products, conducted the interview. “With 6000 products in this store, why Daniel Chapter One,” he asked.
“I’m not sure, unless it’s just that I have faith in Trish and Jim,” Doris responded. “They keep such a hold on their products, knowing where they are coming from. I just don’t have the faith in other companies as I do with Trish and Jim. And I know them.”
It has been more than a year since her last irregular heartbeat episode. And the anxiety attacks have ceased as well.
She also sends the 7 herb Formula to an uncle in Texas who is a cancer victim. “It’s the only thing that keeps him going,” she said. “It keeps his energy level up, making it easier for him to swallow. And he has no more problems with acid reflux.”
Many people try natural products. Many sell them. But one who sells and has benefited from the products she sells is the best witness of all.
If you’re ever in Shelbyville, about an hour from Nashville, stop by and see Doris. She’ll tell you all about Daniel Chapter One products and how she has seen them work for her and her friends.