Mrs. Emily Davidheiser

Ocala, FL  July 10, 2008

Dear Folks:

As a tax paying citizen of the U.S.A., should be guaranteed the right to be able to choose for ourselves.  I have always been a person who believed in natural methods of helping.  My parent, as a young child, used natural methods to help us as children.  “AMERICA” is all about freedom and that is what we should have to select what we want to use in our bodies.  I have read a lot about medicines and we all know of the side effects that go along with all of them, and if we do not want that being put into our bodies, we should have that right to choose for ourselves.

“JIM AND TRISHA FEIJO” have not harmed anyone with their God given natural remedies and it is wrong to critique them for doing nothing wrong.  They have put many years of study into knowing whereof they speak about their natural supplements.  Many drug companies have large lawsuits against them for many of their medicines and lots of them are ongoing now.    They should have the ability to compete in this country, they are a tiny business, they could never harm the profits of the drug companies.  The Chinese export herbal remedies and no one is critiquing them to my knowledge.