Pain Knee Injury

His knee healed in 3 weeks after 9 months of daily pain. 

Dear Daniel Chapter One,

            I want to share with you a testimony of my husband taking GDU.  We had gone skating with the singles Dept. at our church.  My husband fell while skating and hurt his knee.  My husband hates going to the doctor, so for about 9 months he limped with pain in his knee every day.  We had a snow skiing trip scheduled that was approaching.  I kept telling him to go to a physical therapist for his knee so he would be able to ski.  But he wouldn’t.  Then a friend told him about GDU.  He started taking it 3 weeks before our skiing trip.  His knee healed in 3 weeks after 9 months of daily pain.  He was able to ski and has never had trouble with that knee again, and this has been several years.  Thanks!! Daniel Chapter One.

Gogi Bowden