Rheumatoid Arthritis

I should have the right to take what I want.

Tony Howell

Dear Daniel Chapter One,

I have been using GDU for a couple of years to help control my rheumatoid arthritis. It makes it so I can function without much pain.

I would like to know why the FDA and the FTC have control over us individuals. Everyone knows that smoking is bad for people, but its still legal. I should have the right to take what I want.

There was a 12 year old here in Utah a few years ago that the state tried to take from his parents because they didn’t want him going through chemo. They said he would die within 3 months if they didn’t do their treatments. He didn’t do them and he is alive and well.

The government thinks they know everything, and they hardly know anything.

If they take these products away from us people who should have the right to take them, I think each and every person involved should be sued.

Thank you.