stage 4.5 breast and node cancer

July 30, 2008

I am a 75 year old woman; and through research, schooling, and personal experience, I can testify that natural nutrients, vitamins, herbs, and minerals that I purchase from Daniel Chapter One “do no harm.”

I can personally attest to the benefits of natural nutrients.

My mainstream doctors are all allopathic.

In emergency room or post-operative procedures, doctors have noted that certain allopathic drugs have proven to be contra-indicative to me.

I report any and all vitamins, etc. to my doctors. 

My cardiologist approves of the natural nutrients that I take.

My gynecologist approves of the natural nutrients that I take.

My oncologist/rheumatologist approves of the natural nutrients that I take.

If it were not for Jim and Trish Feijo, Daniel Chapter One Biochemical nutrients, I would assuredly by another crippled burden of the government.

What Daniel Chapter One offers is a particular necessity for me:

            – the sound biochemistry

            – the very correct application of nutrient absorb-ability is of a     particular necessity for my condition.

I have not found this correct formulation in any other source.

My daughter was diagnosed of stage 4.5 breast and node cancer.  Despite dire predictions of stage 4.5 and harsh extreme doses of chemo…natural herbs cured her cancer.

Throughout history, various societies have acknowledged the benefits of alternative therapies.  It is unfortunate that proven methodologies and manuals that promote alternative healing are challenged.

Whatever the FTC wants to argue, the results of their action is victimizing to the patient’s


Beverly R. Ferreira

Rehoboth, MA

* Notarized.