Then, they started talking about how insulin causes heart attacks. Daniel Chapter One Testimony from Kathy Presto I was going…
Kathy Norton I was diagnosed with Graves disease a year and a half ago. I was so weak at the…
June 6, 2006 Dear Tricia, I hope all is well with you. It was this time last year that I…
I changed over to the Alimentz because of the zero sided effects Johnny Powell “ I was listening to WYLS…
I feel fine and can’t wait for my next check-up!! May 24, 2008 Dear Jim and Trish, I want to…
stage 4 cancer and given only 6 months to live Cancer – Joe Solomon Not Too Late! Joe’s dad was…
7 Herb Formula that saved my father’s life Cancer (Jan Jungles for Joe Jungles) “In January of this year, my…
My blood pressure has remained normal to this day Jim Thompson My heart doctor diagnosed me in February 2000 as…
Prednisone Would Have Masked My Kidney Cancer JIM HATFIELD MILTON, FL July 31, 2001 AGE 64 I was introduced to…
The amazing story of Jim Givens is documented. Cancer – Jim Givens 7 Herb Formula helps battle cancer The amazing…