Russell Tillman “I found out about Daniel Chapter One by listening to 790 AM here in Leesburg, Florida. I…
We were told by doctors at the Children’s Hospital in Boston, MA he probably wouldn’t live over 2 years old. …
My father was very weak he couldn’t keep anything down, he couldn’t walk on his own, and he could not even get up on his own.
I do not have a personal doctor but I do go to the VA Hospital twice a year. They are very good to me. I listen to what they have to say and then I look at my guide from Daniel Chapter One
By Thursday of the same week, the specialist was amazed at her liver function.
My most beneficial testimony to Daniel Chapter One would be my testimony about my dog Rusty.
Alimentz work, but it worked IMMEDIATELY! May 24, 2008 Toni Schultheiss My brother was so troubled with heart burn, that…
I should have the right to take what I want. Tony Howell Dear Daniel Chapter One, I have been using…
Do You Suffer From Heartburn ? Tony Mercante I couldn’t stand the pain. Now with me not taking that pill…
It’s a little hard to get people to buy into it because, they are so adamant about taking what the doctor recommends which in her case was surgery.